My heart is pounding. It's now or never. Fuck. He's right up to me now. He's laughing at me. I tell him I'm sick of living like this. I have zero confidence and my lip is quivering. Fear sets in. Am I daring to stand up to him? "Living like what?" He mocks me. Still smiling. "Like this! Drugs, fighting, all of it!" He raises an eyebrow and looks very amused. He tells me that the only reason he does drugs is because I make him and we fight all the time because I push him. He puts his hands on my shoulders and tells me to stop and come back in the house. I said NO! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE. His demeanor immidiately changes. "We fight because you always do shit like this you crazy bitch!". I shrug his hands off my shoulders. I am sobbing but not because I am sad.....I am so angry and so sick of everything....I can't take any more. I cannot take anymore. I tell him I...

A continuation of my story, now, and who I am as THIS Missy the present. I am an artist full time, and own an online boutique. The side of me that is art found this one step in all the work I do very interesting and ... Fun! Come with me on this moment by moment look into the mind of a mother who has buried three children...and we will check out how my art works as we process through every day. .