It didn't take long for me to find my dad's pain medication. And it took no time for me to go ahead and open up one of the bottles and help myself. The first time I did it, I took 4 pills. Getting to do two 30s each was awesome. Usually we got one each per day or we didn't even get an oxy......which was worse than just getting one. We went into the bathroom...... adrenaline kicked into high gear. We felt high before we even got our rigs out. It was too easy. We hadn't had to hunt or do anything for this. We were literally giddy. Laughing. Anticipating. We should have saved two for the next day but we had been borderline sick for days and we were finally going to be well....maybe even a little bit high. I let Ger hit me for old times sake. We had struck gold. I rushed like I hadn't in a while.....and all the feelings came back. The infatuation....the turn on.....the seduction of the whole act. Bo...

A continuation of my story, now, and who I am as THIS Missy the present. I am an artist full time, and own an online boutique. The side of me that is art found this one step in all the work I do very interesting and ... Fun! Come with me on this moment by moment look into the mind of a mother who has buried three children...and we will check out how my art works as we process through every day. .